Dec 15, 2010

And sometimes life has its own plan...

Today after a long uphill climb, my agency I work for decided to close. Don't get me wrong, I know that at the moment I'm SOL.. but I'm so worried about these kids. To the state (or county for that matter) they're a number in most cases, to be shifted from one agency to another. They aren't just a number--these kids have been through hell. They've overcome more than I could possibly imagine and they can still get up everyday and face me with a smile. They literally smile in the face of adversity. I can't think about facing them tomorrow, now that they've all been told they'll be getting distributed to other agencies.

If you are reading this and have ideas for case planner, case worker, social worker positions, please send them in my direction.

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend who used to be a social worker for a private agency here in Texas. She now teaches science (went back and got her teaching certification) because what she went through every day was so difficult, and when she had her daughter, I guess even moreso. I know you feel for those kids. That's what makes you good at what you do. I hope something else will come your way soon and that the kids will have someone else working for them who cares as much as you do.
