Jan 2, 2013

Full, Awesome, Crazy December

December is always such a crazy month for me.  Christmas, My Birthday, New Year celebrations, and my best friend,Hanna, is always home around this time.  (Hanna was recently voted blogger of the year.  If you aren't reading her blog, you can check it out here!  She also takes much better photographs than I do, always capturing intricacies that my overactive brain misses.) Here are the highlights of my life lately.

  • I had two Christmas celebrations this year, and was so overwhelmingly filled to the brim with love by both Bryan's family and my own that I couldn't even express it accurately here.

  • I find that I often go on outings while Hanna is home that I wouldn't do on my own.  Included in this was a gorgeous outing to the Observation Deck at City Hall in Buffalo.  Buffalo had hidden beauty that people under-estimate.  Here's a few photos of that awesome day:
City of Buffalo
I am inappropriate.

How cool is this ceiling in City Hall?

  •  I had a fun outing for my birthday on Friday (my actual birthday was Sunday, December 30) as the weather here was somewhat unpredictable and that seemed the best gamble.  Not that this should ever be surprising but I am more fun hyped up on caffeine than I will ever be on alcohol (especially since I've seemingly developed an alcohol allergy in my twenties that apparently is quite a common occurrance).  I was bouncing off the walls from Red Bull and convincing all of my friends (who came so loyally to this thrown together birthday outing) to wear finger mustache tattoos.

  • I spent my actual birthday with people I love and snuggling with my guy.  I got the most hilarious texts and cards.   I pigged out on breakfast foods with Lacey, wings with Hanna, and an amazing apple pie from Bryan's mom.  I was a birthday faaaatty.  

Life is just so full, so awesome, so...ugh! You guys! I am the luckiest.


  1. I love all of these photos! It looks like you had such a fun month. :)

  2. Your December sounds crazy in the best way! And girl, I feel you on being more fun on caffeine than alcohol. Alcohol just makes me sleepy. Caffeine makes me all sorts of fun.

    1. Yes I would take a night out on caffeine over booze any day..and I wake up feeling rad.

  3. Sounds like a great month for you! Mine was just as busy! My guy's birthday is on the 6th, so it kick starts a busy month of dinners, celebrating etc... Happy belated and Happy New Year! :)

  4. Ahahaha I love the picture with the statue!! So funny!

  5. Aww, you and your guy are cute together. Also, finger mustaches are the best. Haha.

    1. Agreed. They all had their own names--we got them from Urban Outfitters. Mine was 'Rich Uncle'
