Dec 6, 2012

Jumbles and Jams

First things first! I LOVE this song, can't get it out of my head lately:

Whoa! Is it really Thursday night?  What an insane week.  This is one of the craziest weeks at my job, which leads up to my favorite night (last night) of work, our Christmas party.  (For those of you who are new followers--HOORAY!!-- I'm a caseworker and I work with foster care youth).

 I struggle with a lot of backlash from friends, family members, etc as we do this entire party out of donations from the community.  The thing is, most people see it as 'spoiling kids with things they wouldn't ordinarily be able to have if they returned home'.  And yes, that's true--but there's more to that.   I try not to get feisty as I explain to them that kids in care wake up in a home that isn't theirs but we try to make it comfortable.  And they spend their days with a family that also isn't their own, but we try to make them comfortable. And each one of these damaged little souls comes in with a story, with a history, and rarely is any of it simple or pretty.  And they, especially the older kiddos, take a lot of value in 'material things', which doesn't make them as materialistic as you may think.  Think of it this way:  for some of them, the only time their parents showed them 'love' is when they bought them things, if they provided for them at all.   For some kids, material things hold a lot of value over real human relationships, because people regularly have hurt them or let them down.  For me, it's a struggle to find a family who can make room for one more at their dinner table and understand concepts like this one. 

Anyway, as I was saying before, it's my favorite day because it involves a big pasta dinner and bags full of gifts.  It involves twinkling eyes of children and "jolly laughs from Santa".  It is one of the few moments you see children really carefree, not worrying about meals or rules or safety.   And this year, was my favorite of all.  Can't say much more than that--except to hug your families and donate where you can to those who aren't as fortunate.

Anyway...moving on...

I'm looking for some books to read.  Seriously, reading keeps me sane when I can't quite write about the things brewing in this dangerous brain of mine.  Have any of you read the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy?  I saw the movie (backward I know) and although it was a slow build I think it'd be a good read.  Feedback would be awesome.  Also, if you have some good book recommendations I'd love those also.

Today I was looking at Facebook's "see friendship" option for Bry and I.  They always say a first kiss is crucial in every love story--and even writing that makes me laugh.  Bryan and I still laugh at the awkwardness of our first kiss in comparison to the comfort we both have now.  He's not only the person who makes me laugh until my stomach hurts, he quickly became one of my best friends, someone I could tell all my secrets to.  He not only listens to my dreams, he's also my reality.  


  1. I love your job! That sounds so exciting! I've always thought it would be amazing to adopt out of foster care! My cousins were adopting and they are just the greatest kids! I think the Christmas party sounds important. Kids need to just be kids sometimes, you know? As far as good reads go, if you havent read The Perks of Being A Wallflower, I highly recommend it. One of my all time favorite books!

    1. I remember almost purchasing it a few months back but I read "A Stolen Life" instead. I'm gonna get on it!!

  2. The Girl with the Dragon tattoo trilogy is really good, definitely one to read!

    1. Thank you! The movie drew me right in, but I was skeptic to spend the money if the books fell short. I think I'll dive in after the holiday :)

  3. When I was in elementary school I had a friend, and Its crazy now that I honestly can't remember her name, but I remember her face clear as day. She was a foster child, had lived in many, and was very hyper active and she spent the night at my house a few times, and fell in love with my family and begged my mom to adopt her. With the problems of my sister, and just things I can't go into, my mom couldn't take in another child, but still, I often wonder whatever happened to her. It's sad so many children that don't have a place they can call home,and I think the Christmas party is a wonderful thing, and to give a child hope and comfort is amazing, even if that hope or comfort comes from a material thing.

    1. So so so typical (and sad). I have a handful of kids I'd put in my car and take home with me if it weren't a huge cluster of no-no's haha. In particular an 11 month old baby who I'd just want to snuggle every day. Thanks for always sharing Heather, means a lot.

  4. Powerful post, what a rewarding job. I'm sure you make a difference to alot of kids :) I'm sure the Christmas Party will be wonderful! Adorable blog, glad I stumbled upon it.

    New follower...

    Lot's of bloggy love from Ashton Belle over at:

    1. You are the sweetest! Thank you. I'm off to explore yours!

  5. It sounds as though you have a fantastic job. How mean spirited for people to suggest that these kids shouldn't get to have a nice party just because their own families couldn't afford to give them one. It sounds like these kids deserve one nice day more than most.

    And I'd definitely recommend the Girl With series. I bought them when I was taking cruise on holiday once and needed something to read. I wasn't expecting them to be up to much, but they were the only English language books in the shop. I barely put them down until I'd read all three.

    1. Thanks for the kind words and awesome suggestions :) Added it to my read list.
